TCRX 4711

This car began life in 1953 at the Budd Company in Philadelphia, PA, as Santa Fe Railway 2845. Seating forty eight passengers, 2845 was intended to serve the Chicago-Los Angeles El Capitan streamliner, which only lasted for three years. The car and its siblings were placed into the general pool, meaning that the car would appear on any train wherever it was needed. When the Santa Fe handed its service over to Amtrak in 1971, the car was renumbered 4857 and incorporated into their Heritage Fleet. Rebuilt with Head End Power (HEP) in 1980 and renumbered to 4711. Eventually made redundant by newer equipment, the car was put up for auction, and purchased by the museum in 1995. 4711 has served dutifully on our excursion trains since.

This car is available for First Class Seating!